Thursday, October 1, 2009

Penny Stocks Build Wealth

All right, so everyone wants to get rich, but how? I know what your thinking. I am young, I have to pay for college, I have bills, I can't possibly get rich this young, can I? The answer is yes, but maybe not like Bill Gates but you can absolutely lay the pavement for a smooth road ahead instead of a rocky trail.It has been proven by many that the best way to make money, is let your money work for you, not you work for your money. I know you all have seen it personally some how, some common guy with a common job working from paycheck to paycheck when the more hours he works it seems like the less he is getting. I look at these people and realize that hard work is not the answer, I would never want to work half as hard as my father for even double the money he was making.
Penny stocks are the answer to some people, mostly young. It requires minimal investment, it will let you see how the market works, and may even give you that wealth in which I described. The percentage change in stock price is drastic within penny stocks, and it is not uncommon to see 100% changes on certain hot penny stocks. If one invested 10,000 dollars right now within the stock market, especially while it has been suffering 10,000 dollars if their stock went from one cent to two cents. With the knowledge one can obtain through this experience, one should gain enough experience with investing to feel comfortable to roll the dice with larger more risky investments such as stocks, bonds, etc.. Don't be too excited if you start to make money, the government may take a larger chunk from your gains than you think, but i'll talk about this within my next blog.

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