Thursday, October 1, 2009

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

Hi all, I know my last blog was pretty intense but I want you to see what I am talking about. After my friend had brought up the information about taxes and penny stocks, I began to research about the validity of the statement. I took the amount of money in which I have currently EARNED, and I have figured out that I will have to pay a rather large amount of taxes as well. It didn't seem right. I calculated it over and over, I invested in my penny stocks, traded for myself, why are they taking this much. I made all the decisions, yet reap minimal reward. I think its ridiculous.
I wish the government who are just "trust-fund babys" themselves, whom only went to the schools they attended and recieved the jobs they did because of who their family knows, could come down to the real world and see that their decisions affect millions of people. Millions of people depend on these figure heads for help and that is nothing but sad. The only way to succeed in todays world is to do for yourself.
Building wealth is not some formula that you can follow or maybe it is? I want you to think about something. More millionaires will be made during this recession then ever before. Do you realize what this means? It means, be on the right side of the spill. Be on the side that buys into the economy and watch your stocks soar to record highs and then when you see that downtrend sell. Houses are down in prices, buy now. When the house market increases, sell! Penny stocks are the best investment, more huge corporations are going to be emerging in the next ten years, taking over the stock market and growing in ridiculous fashion. Google was once a penny stock and now sells within an everyday range of $400-$600. Are you kidding me? $100,000 a year, please, I want One billion! And the funny thing is, if your reading this and saying $100,000 per year is great, you've given up the fight. You could be a millionaire, think about it.

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